How to Clear Cache on LG Smart TV?

Maintenance is always needed for every single device and instrument we use regularly. It is always recommended to do so. But the steps and ways vary according to the device. This is applicable to smart devices too. Normally, maintenance is all about cleaning and servicing the instruments. In the case of electronic gadgets, especially Smart devices, it is about clearing cache, and cookies, updating, and resetting them. This article is going to help you with How to Clear the Cache on LG Smart TV.

Also, read out Amazon Prime on LG Smart TV

How to clear cache data on LG Smart TV of WebOS?

WebOS LG Smart TV doesn’t have the feature of direct clearance of app cache data like any other smart device. There are 2 ways to clear app cache data on LG Smart TV of WebOS. Let us have a look at them.

Clear Cache on LG Smart TV
Clear Cache on LG Smart TV

Method1: Turning Off your LG Smart TV of WebOS

In this method, you can clear app cache data and also clears the session data.

Step 1:

Power off your LG Smart TV.

Step 2:

Power on your LG Smart TV.

Step 3:

You will l get rid of your app cache data, deletes session data, and exit from the recent apps.

Method2: Exit from background apps

Certain apps run in the background in spite of not opening them regularly. To get rid of those app cache data, follow the given instructions.

  • One way to exit from background apps:

Try to recognize the app running in the background. The following will close the app.

Step 1:

Tap on the X button in the top-right corner of your LG Smart TV screen.

Step2: This will exit you from the app.

  • An alternate way to exit from the background apps:

Step 1:

Go to the Recent Preview area.

Step 2:

Try hovering on any of the recent tiles.

Step 3:

The X button will become visible on the top of the tile.

Step 4:

Tap the X button.

Step 5:

This will also exit you from the app.

Related Guide: Hulu on LG Smart TV

How to clear the Browser cache on LG Smart TV of WebOS?

Step 1:

On your LG Smart TV remote, press the Home button.

Step 2:

Navigate to the Web browser.

Step 3:

Go to Menu in the top-right corner.

Step 4:

Click on Settings.

Step 5:

Turn on Private Browsing to get rid for a long span of time.

Step 6:

Tap on Clear Browsing Data.

Tap on OK.

Step 8:

This will clear your browser cache for a longer period.

The EndNote

To end, it is always good to clear cache data frequently at regular intervals of days to have a fruitful TV experience. I hope you find this article useful. Thank you for reading.

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