How to Get Zoom on Chromebook?

Due to the Corona Virus effect, companies worldwide practice social distancing. So they are working from their home itself through Zoom Meeting. Zoom Meeting is one of the popular features available in the Zoom App. Zoom is the most trending application right now.

Nearly 1000 companies using this application to conduct company meetings. Zoom app is compatible with Android, iOS, Chromebook, Mac, and many others. So you can work from your home through these devices. In this article, we are going to focus only on Chromebook. So let’s discuss in detail how to get Zoom on Chromebook.

Related article: Zoom on PS4, Zoom on Xbox

What is Chromebook?

zoom on chromebook

Most people in the world have only two options in mind when it comes to buying a laptop, one is Windows PC, and the other one is Mac. But there is another option called Chromebook. Chromebook is a standard laptop developed by Google in the year 2011. It runs on Google Chrome OS. Similar to the Windows PC and Mac, You can use Chromebook for documents, email, video conferencing, and games.

It calls upon Google applications on the Cloud. Google Applications are Google Sheets, Google Docs, and many more. To set it up, Just Plugin and Turn your Chromebook ON. Zoom is one of the Chromebook Compatible apps. So you can use Zoom on your Chromebook for company purposes.

What is Zoom Cloud Meeting or Zoom?


Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform that offers video conferencing meetings, audio conferencing meetings, webinars, mobile collaboration, meeting recordings, and chat. According to recent research, Zoom is the most used video communication platform. Two essential features available in the Zoom App are Zoom Meetings and Zoom Rooms.

Zoom Meeting is conducting a meeting through video conference. This feature is mainly used in companies for hosting company meetings. If you are working from home, You can meet your client or co-workers through this feature. The next one is Zoom Rooms; Zoom Room is a software-based room system it can be used for room attendees who can join from another room.

How to Download Zoom on Chromebook?

Let’s see how to get Zoom on your Chromebook. Follow the below steps for how to get Zoom on your Chromebook easily.

Zoom on Chromebook
Zoom on Chromebook


Switch ON your Chromebook.


Go to the Chrome browser.


Search the Chrome Web Store on the search box.


Once you have entered the Chrome Web Store, click the Search in Store box.


Enter the Keyword Zoom.


From the search results, click the Zoom App.


Tap the Add to Chrome button.


Followed by clicking the Add App option.


It will start to install on your Chromebook.


In a few seconds, it will be installed.

How to Use Zoom on Chromebook?

Once you have installed the Zoom app on your Chromebook, Let’s see how to use it on your Chromebook.


Open the Zoom App.


You can see the Join a Meeting and Sign In options.


Click the Sign In option.


Please enter your Login details and Sign in to it.


Now you can join or conduct meetings.

How to join a Zoom Meeting on Chromebook?

Once you have Sign In, Next you have to join a meeting means to follow the below steps.


Once you have entered the home page, Tap the Join a Meeting option.


Enter your Meeting ID and screen name on the next page.

zoom meeting


Click Join.


It started to connect.


Webcam opens, and you can customize your settings.

How to change Zoom Virtual Background on Chromebook?

Let’s see how to use Zoom Virtual Backgrounds on Chromebook.


Click the My Account option on your Zoom home page.


On the next page, click the Settings option.


In the Settings, Tap the In Meeting Advanced.


Scroll down a little bit, you will see the Virtual Background option.


Tap and turn On the Virtual Background Option.


Once you selected means, it will allow the users to select any background images as per their wish.


Go back and start a video.


On the bottom of the video page, Click the Virtual Back Ground option.

zoom virtual background


A list of images available on your desktop will be shown below the video screen.


Just click the image and Change your background as per your wish.

Zoom video is not working on Chromebook:

If the Zoom video is not working on your Chromebook means, just follow the steps and get the new Zoom App.


Go to the Chrome browser, Tap History.


Clear the browsing history and caches.


Next, Uninstall the Zoom app on your Chromebook.


Go back to the Chrome web store and download the new Zoom App.


Sign in to it and host a meeting or join a meeting.


From the above steps, you can use Zoom on your Chromebook easily. It is the best and easy way to get zoom on Chromebook. Nowadays, Most companies in the world use this zoom app for conducting and hosting a meeting. You will never miss a single company meeting through this app. I hope that I have covered all the topics regarding Zoom and its working features on Chromebook. Thank you for your patience. For more info regarding zoom, visit

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